Who will you be voting for on Tuesday?

First off, I hope that all of you who are in states that have a primary or are holding a caucus are planning on participating, regardless of who you are supporting. "Super Tuesday" is only 2 days away, in fact in just 51 hours we'll be sitting down in Colorado to caucus. I had been a John Edwards supporter and was a little sad about his decision to postpone his campaign earlier this week but that did not stop me from wanting to participate in the caucus on Tuesday and have a say in who the Democratic nominee is.

Since I figure John won't be gathering the necessary 15% of delegates at the caucus on Tuesday I will need a 2nd choice, so I spent last night checking out the sites for Hillary and Barack to see whose policies I was more with sync in. All in all they are very similar and either of them will be a great candidate and President, but what set them apart for me was that Barack's policies and plans for Pre-K education and investment in Math and Science in K-12 that were very well thought out and articulated. He understands that early education is important and that America needs to make an investment in Math and Science to ensure we are the leaders in innovation throughout the 21st century. So on Tuesday night I will be a vote for Obama at the caucus. If you want to get involved in the campaign check out http://my.barackobama.com and get involved with your local groups.


Jaded said…
oh so NOW you are interested in the election. until today, it was all "oh i don't know. blah blah blah."

have you thought more about my theory that edwards is setting himself up to be the vp candidate?

everyone chant with me now: Mc-Cain, Mc-Cain, Mc-Cain.

shoulda won 8 years ago.
Valina said…
you just made me so happy... I have been supporting Obama since the start. Of course i already voted for him in the Utah Primary...
John Blanco said…

McCain told us the Iraq War would be a cakewalk. Then he chastised us for believing such nonsense.

McCain was in contact with Sen. Tom Daschle about changing to the Democratic party after he lost his election. Now he tells us how much like Reagan he is.

McCain doesn't know squat about how an economy works.

McCain told Mitt Romney that his Lieutenant governor had endorsed him. Apparently, he was confused over who she is.

McCain says he's happy to stay in Iraq for 100 more years, and sang the song "Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran" to a group of supporters.

McCain denounced Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson 8 years ago. Just a couple years ago, he gave a commencement speech at Liberty University and when asked if he renounces them today, he says "No."

McCain says the surge is working when our death totals match those in 2005 and the Iraqi political situation is a complete mess. He failed to note that US death totals were lowered due to security deals with Sunni objectors to al Qaeda and not "the surge."

McCain told us he and Gen. David Petreus were able to freely walk the streets of Baghdad. He lied. He had 100 military infantryman and no less than 4 helicopters hovering for protection, walking in a zone that was swept for 2 hours previously to his entrance.

McCain is so uninspiring, he can't raise money nor raise his head to the crowd to give a speech.

McCain deserves no such coronation as President of the United States. He would be completely unfit to lead and serve as a carbon copy of this current Administration which has failed in their policies to make America a stronger country.
James said…
In case anybody was confused John isn't a McCain fan, ya know, if you couldn't tell.
Jaded said…
1. he talked to the democrats??? i may have to change my mind. anyone willing to do something that crazy certainly can't be good.

2. please provide cited references. until then, your comments are merely hearsay.

3. he actually has real life military experience. what an idea--having the guy in charge of the military be someone who has actually been in the military.

4. a politician changing their view years later? how dare he!! he is supposed to come to a conclusion and cling to it until death. no changing of minds. and, of course, he clearly is the only candidate to ever change his mind on something.

5. he doesn't raise his head to give speeches? does that really matter? i guess i prefer substance to acting.

6. i think a little bombing might do iran some good.