I grilled up some Sirloin tip steaks last night, the first foray into the steaks we get in our beef delivery. The grilling was done in the new shiny grill pan we got a month or so ago from a Pampered Chef party. The good part was that the pan got nice and hot and delivered some excellent grill lines. The not so good part was that the steaks didn't really cook all the way through on the pan even after letting them sit on the counter for 90 minutes before the grilling and resting for 15 minutes after. Next time I believe I'll char them in the pan and then move them to the oven to finish cooking through, that should leave them juicy in the middle but still get some char on them. Of course having a grill with multiple burners on hand would be handy too . . . where is that Gov Stimulus money?!
For any of you who do read nytimes.com (Jay) your suspicions that these on-going dinner last night blog entries are