The gardening project has been mostly successful so far. We've had great luck with all the herbs except the cilantro. The peppers are growing slower than I thought and there is not a single pepper pod yet but it is only early July. We will look for a different place to put them next year to get some better production.

The tomatoes are going crazy, we counted 11 on a single plant this morning, between the size of a marble and a tennis ball. I am hoping to pick some ripe ones in the next couple weeks from the Early Girls, the Roma tomatoes should be ready in August.
The zucchini plant is taking over its

small part of the world and the cucumbers are in turn increasing production in case the zucchini plant breaks their neutrality pact. We have already had several zucchini dishes, grilled, broiled and boiled, all really tasty. There is one cucumber almost ready to pick and several others just getting started to go along with the dozens of flowers on the plants.
Over all so far we're judging this a success and hopefully we'll have enough tomatoes to can some salsa and sauce. Some things we have already decided to do different next year;
- Space the plants out more
- Get the trellis up for the cucumbers and zucchini earlier
- Plant the flowers near the garden but not in it