McCain says he's for legalized segregation

Ok he didn't really say that, but if Senator McCain's vision of states deciding on the issue of gay marriage becomes a reality that is in essence what will happen. Normally I think McCain has some decent ideas, campaign finance for instance. This article says that McCain will have an issue with the GOP base in 2008 if he continues to buck the trend and vote against a proposed constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. If the states get to decide the issue what happens is legalized segregation, if you're gay and you want to get married you cannot live in Kansas, move to New York, or California, or Vermont, and that's a throwback to the days of separate but equal. This is why we have a federal government and federal law, to ensure that everyone gets treated the same, in all of these United States. Thanks for reading, rant away.


Jaded said…
so you would rather he vote FOR the amendment prohibiting gay marriage? at least the man is standing up for his beliefs instead of towing the party line.

and sexual orientation is not a protected status.

and having different laws in different states is not segregation. if i don't want to pay income tax, i can't live in colorado. i demand my rights! segregation! discrimination! give me my money back because i made a choice to live somewhere that didn't have exactly everything i want! i want mountains moved to oklahoma because i want to live there but people who want to live near the mountains can't live there. discrimination!

i think you get my point.

furthermore, as to the amendment itself, i don't care what side of the issue you're on (ban or no ban), it shouldn't be a constitutional amendment, just like prohibition should not have been an amendment. the constitution is for telling us how to govern ourselves, not to govern our morals.