Liberal Media Bias in action!

Man it just won't stop will it!

CBS, a clearly liberal news organization, edited an interview with John McCain yesterday in which his answer to a question regarding the Anbar Awakening was clearly wrong. The edit was such that the answer played after the question was from a different question in the interview. This follows McCain's comment yesterday that Pakistan and Iraq share a border, hm well if the sea counts as a border, in which case the US and Japan are neighbors!

See more liberal bloggy/video goodness of the Anbar snafu here and here.


Jaded said…
it's a vast right wing conspiracy!!

well, it is as long as you use the right definition of "is."
James said…
Valina said…
Hey! according to THIS McCainian logic we live in neighboring countries!! Screw Canada and Mexico, America neighbors England and Japan!