Culture of life?

I figured it out, we should not be lobbying the President or Congress to get a bill on stem cells passed, we should be lobbying those folks the President owes his political capital too. So what do we lobby them with? How about supporting the entire culture of life, like pre and post natal care or maybe early childhood education, or how about saving kids from malaria in Africa? Shouldn't this agenda be about a culture of a decent chance at life too?


Jaded said…
first, you should warn people about those links. i unwittingly clicked on one and ended up at FotF. i feel dirty now.

second, how dare the president accept money from an organization!! we should outlaw all political donations. you have to use only your own funds to run. if you're not a multi-millionaire, well too damn bad.

third, if i follow your argument, which i'm not sure i do, i don't need to read the papers anymore. if FotF decides everything in government, as you are implying, then i don't need to do anything. no need to vote. why don't we move all the political activities to colorado so FotF doesn't have to fly to DC anymore? if they really set the political agenda, we should make it easier for them. (is there enough sarcasm there, or should i continue?)

fourth, if FotF has so much clout,why is abortion still legal?