
Menu Time: December 28, 2008

Recipe: Herbed Stuffing

Menu Time: December 21, 2008

Recipe: Split pea soup

Bonus Recipe: Cabbage Salad with citrus vinaigrette

Recipe: Veggie and Shrimp Pasta

Menu Time: December 14, 2008

Menu time December 7, 2008

Yes We Did!

31 days 31 reasons - Uber election eve post

31 days, 31 reasons - Reason #17 - Enough hidden earmarks

31 days, 31 reasons - Reason #16 - Make college affordable

31 days, 31 reasons - Reason #15 - Progressives aren't Godless

31 days, 31 reasons - Reason #14 - Colin Powell

31 days, 31 reasons - Reason #13 - A long term energy and climate plan

31 days, 31 reasons - Reason #12 - A solution for today's energy crisis

31 days, 31 reasons - Reason #11 - Charter School policy that makes sense

31 days, 31 reasons - Reason #10 - Make filing your taxes easier

31 days, 31 reasons - Reasons #8 and 9 - Michelle and the kids

31 days, 31 reasons: Reason #7 - Invest in a 21st century military

31 days, 31 reasons: Reason #6 - Expand Head Start

31 days, 31 reasons: Reason #5 - Support the Vetrans

31 days, 31 reasons: Reason #4 - Balance the budget!

31 Days 31 Reasons: Reason #3 - Google for Government

31 Days 31 Reasons: Reason #2

31 Days, 31 Reasons: Reason #1

Get some Culture you slobs!

Finally got the photo!

Rally Time!

Garden Update: September means tomatoes

New windows!

For Jaded

Mocking 2 million people

Convention Week Day 1 Morning

McCain and the Oil Rig

Speech Speech Speech Speech!

Oh the Humanity!

Garden Update: Beginning of August Harvest

Garden Update: Zucchini update

Liberal Media Bias in action!

Last Night's Dinner: Beef, broccoli and carrots

July Garden Update

Who needs tires?

busy/messy afternoon so a busy/messy post

Cuba, China, ANWR and oil

Last Night's Dinner: Grilled Pizza

On to November . . .

Pollo de cerveza

Your mission if you choose to accept it . . .

75,000 more say "Yes we can"

Garden Update: Beds are planted

Last Night's Dinner: Burgers and fries

Is it a garden if there are no plants?

Last Night's Dinner: Cottage Pie

Earth Day! I didn't even get you a card!

Last Night's Dinner: Meatloaf and Syrah

Last Night's dinner: Steaks on the grill pan

Rockies Triple Play

hmmm tacos